Sunday, January 10, 2010


New Years Resolution: to be a less shitty person

It seems strange that one who hates lying, is hurt by lying, finds lying to easy, innate even.
Lying is a selfish thing, a powerful thing, and I am good at it.
I lied last night and the night before. I am very selfish but it is also a survival tactic.
I would have gone crazy by now if I didn't lie about where I was going/what I was doing. I lie to survive. I lie so I can have privacy and escape the opinions of others especially my mom because she knows my achilles heel and takes a stab at it every so often. I lie to buy myself time, time to think, time to plan, time to brace myself. I lie because I want to be left alone.

Plight of an only child in a tiny house ;)

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