Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I want to write an ugly poem where similes don't kiss metaphors they punch them in the fucking face.
I want to write a poem where truth doesn't hide behind warm sweet "sun-kissed" lies.
I want to strip, expose and terrorize the truth.
I want it naked, crying, vomiting up words and tears and bitter exposures in the corner.
I don't want pretty, I don't want rhymes, I want ugly, volatile, powerful and bloody raw truth.
I want it to know I'm there, and I want it to squirm.
I dare it even to try to be graceful and elusive.
Fuck you poem.
I want the truth.

I want the pot smoke to curl and I want it to cringe.
I'm here to clear the air and I'm here to suffocate.
I want the truth, sweaty, delirious and deliberately drunk to stumble over and try to drive.
I want the truth on that dark beach and in that car and in that room to come out and clear out before I get violent.

"Let's get biblical"

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