Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Little Blue Truck

you smelt like old car
little blue truck!
a peculiar old smell of salt and sweat and rubber and warm
all in a tiny cab with one tiny-bench-seat

worn tan seat,
shiny cd player
little blue truck

you hummed and sang and rumbled and played

but little girl,
old little girl older than me even,
your stick shift was dated

your blue spray-paint was faded

all it took was a group of drunk boys
to drain the life out of you and burn your little spirit away
like the black smoke
and the creaking
and final the aching stop

of your little gray heart, warm, old, jerry-rigged with rubber bands

little blue truck good luck in your next life

a "sheldon" has your body now, your weary old-toyota-smelling body

and perhaps I will hear you, see you, smell you one last time.

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